NHS Grampian is one of 14 regional health boards in Scotland and is responsible for the planning and delivery of health care and services to the population of the North East.
We work at national level with Scottish Government and colleagues in other regional boards and special National Boards such as Scottish Ambulance Service, NHS 24, NHS National Services Scotland, Health Improvement Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland.
At a regional planning level, we have a well-established North East Partnership Group which comprises the Chief Executives of NHS Grampian, Tayside, Highland, Shetland, Orkney and Western Isles and the Chief Executives of the respective Local Authority areas.
NHS Grampian as employer of circa 14,000 staff working in our acute hospitals and across HSCPs and other community settings, remains accountable for the clinical governance of all health services and responsible for the provision of specialist hospital services.
NHS Grampian is looking for Befrienders to help befriend clients at Woodend Hospital. Good communication skills, caring attitude, ability to work with minimal direct supervision and reliability are required for this volunteer role.
Can you be a good listener? Could you help someone explore what they are going through? The Community Listening Service helps people (re)discover hope and inner strength in times of 'illness, change and loss'.
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