Volunteer Listeners

NHS Grampian

Can you be a good listener? Could you help someone explore what they are going through? The Community Listening Service helps people (re)discover hope and inner strength in times of 'illness, change and loss'.

Volunteer Listeners

NHS Grampian

Can you be a good listener? Could you help someone explore what they are going through? The Community Listening Service helps people (re)discover hope and inner strength in times of 'illness, change and loss'.

Heath & Wellbeing
Suitable for volunteers:
age 18 and over

About this opportunity

Can you be a good listener? Could you help someone explore what they are going through? The Community Listening Service helps people (re)discover hope and inner strength in times of 'illness, change and loss'.

Community Listening Service Listeners do not offer counselling, but they offer the person a space to talk, to tell their story in their own time, for their own wellbeing, with the knowledge that the listener is there to listen.

Volunteers can play a vital role supporting the work of the Department of Spiritual Care within NHS Grampian/CLS. Listening to people's concerns can help them feel less isolated and anxious while helping them feel more hopeful and valued in a confidential and non-judgemental way. There is no requirement for volunteers or service users to be a member of a faith or belief group, just be able to provide a service that has patients at the heart, where they can feel safe, seen and heard, allowing them the space to reflect on their own personal situations.


Get in touch to find out more

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.

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