Promoting Volunteering

Submit your

volunteer opportunity

Want to advertise your opportunity on Volunteer Aberdeen? Posting an opportunity is completely free of charge, let us help you reach Aberdeen's volunteering community with your role!

Advertise your opportunity

free of charge

*Please Note - We will aim to add your opportunity to the site within 1 working day

Open the form in an external window

Volunteer Aberdeen
Have a look at our opportunities listing page to see the format and where your role details will appear.

Volunteer Aberdeen is operated by ACVO, Aberdeen's Third Sector Interface and we also list opportunities on our main website

Volunteer Scotland
When you submit details here, your role is automatically added to the national volunteering database at Volunteer Scotland!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any charge to advertise my volunteer opportunity?

No, advertising unpaid voluntary roles is free of charge! If you are looking to advertise a paid role within your third sector organisation, ACVO TSI can do this for you - find details at

What are the requirements my opportunity needs to meet to be advertised on Volunteer Aberdeen

To be listed on our site all opportunities must be based in Aberdeen (or are based in Scotland and can be done remotely by Aberdeen residents) and your organisation should aim to meet all principles of the Volunteer Charter before advertising.

When will my opportunity go live?

We will aim to approve and list all opportunities within 3 working days. We may get in touch to clarify details so please remember to include your email address.

I need help or have a question about submitting my opportunity details

If you are looking for help or have a question you can get in touch with ACVO TSI's Volunteering Services Manager, Mike Melvin, at

Where will my opportunity be listed?

As well as being listed on the Volunteer Aberdeen website, your opportunity will appear on the ACVO TSI website and at Volunteer Scotland

What kind of opportunities do you advertise?

As long as your opportunity is hosted within a third sector non-profit organisation (charity, community group, social enterprise, school, etc.) based in Aberdeen (or can be done remotely by Aberdeen residents) we can feature it on Volunteer Aberdeen.

Volunteering is inclusive so we can advertise opportunities aimed at all ages and ability levels. Have a look at our current opportunities to get an idea of the kind of opportunities we advertise and if you have any questions, please get in touch!

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