Home-Start Aberdeen

Children & Young people
Parents & Families

Today families living in Aberdeen face more pressures than ever putting them at risk of crisis or breakdown. Our challenge is to respond to families’ needs, providing the right support, from the right person at the right time.

What happens in a child’s earliest years will affect the rest of their lives.  Babies and toddlers need nutrition, good health, safety and security, responsive care and early learning opportunities to support their growth and development.  Today families living in Aberdeen face more pressures than ever putting them at risk of crisis or breakdown. Our challenge is to respond to families’ needs, providing the right support, from the right person at the right time.

Our solution:  Making early years count

One of the most important things that any society can do is to ensure that every baby and child receives the nurturing care they need to have the best start in life. We’re there for families when they need us most via our local community network of trained volunteers. We work alongside them to help them create a secure and loving home environment where their children can grow up happy, healthy, confident and able to achieve their full potential.

Our Values:

  1. The Child at the Centre – the wellbeing and safety of the child is always paramount
  2. Inclusive – we are open to all, value diversity and are committed to equalit
  3. Responsive – we provide the help and support which families tell us they need
  4. Respect – we treat people with empathy and are non-judgemental
  5. Partnership – we work in partnership with each other, with families and with other organisations
  6. Openness – we are committed to a culture of teamwork, collaboration and transparency
  7. Quality – we strive for excellence through continuous improvement
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Home-Start Aberdeen
Shop Drivers
Home-Start Aberdeen
Published on:
July 3, 2024

Home-Start Aberdeen supports local families, who may be vulnerable or suffering from isolation, with emotional and practical support in their own homes. Our charity shop, which raises valuable funds towards our work, opened in 2012. It is located in the heart of the city at 101 George Street, opposite the old John Lewis building. A key component of the shop's success is our collections/uplift service within the city.

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Retail & Fundraising
Shop Volunteers
Home-Start Aberdeen
Published on:
July 3, 2024

Home-Start Aberdeen supports local families, who may be vulnerable or suffering from isolation, with emotional and practical support in their own homes. Our charity shop, which raises valuable funds towards our work, opened in 2012. It is located in the heart of the city at 101 George Street, (opposite the old John Lewis store).

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Retail & Fundraising
Home Visiting Volunteers
Home-Start Aberdeen
Published on:
July 3, 2024

Home visiting volunteers Every day Home-Start Aberdeen is providing life-changing support to families across the city. Our local community network of trained volunteers helps families with young children when they need us most. Home-Start's Home Visiting Volunteers work alongside families, offering compassionate and confidential support, tailored to what each family wants and needs.

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Children & Families
Recipe for Life Volunteers
Home-Start Aberdeen
Published on:
July 3, 2024

Home-Start Aberdeen supports local families, who may be vulnerable or suffering from isolation, with emotional and practical support in their own homes. Recipe for Life (practical cooking) is a project that Home-Start Aberdeen has developed in partnership with NHS Grampian in 2010.

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Children & Families

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