Hub/Coffee Shop Support

Four Pillars

We are looking for more amazing volunteers to join our Four Pillars team to help support the organisations daily operations. They would primarily help run our Coffee Shop and in turn support the LGBT+ Community who use this service.

Hub/Coffee Shop Support

Four Pillars

We are looking for more amazing volunteers to join our Four Pillars team to help support the organisations daily operations. They would primarily help run our Coffee Shop and in turn support the LGBT+ Community who use this service.

Suitable for volunteers:
age 16 to 17
age 18 and over

About this opportunity

We are looking for more amazing volunteers to join our Four Pillars team to help support the organisations daily operations.

They would primarily help run our Coffee Shop and in turn support the LGBT+ Community who use this service. Volunteers would be an extension of the staff and asked to help meet and greet service users making any new visitors feel welcome and sharing information of any groups or events taking place which may be of interest to them.

Many of our service users live alone, and have little family or friends to support them, so seeing a friendly face and being given the chance to have a cuppa and a chat for a few hours is invaluable to them.

We have various groups which are held each evening, and these are peer lead, and run by our volunteers. These are closed sessions, so offer a safe, confidential environment for anyone attending.

Volunteers support our staff to ensure the Coffee Shop and toilets are kept clean and tidy, throughout the day. They may also be asked support any events we run throughout the year. The largest event we run is Grampian Pride.

Volunteers would be notified of any other one off opportunities by the Volunteer Coordinator as well as being invited to attend any of the internal or external training sessions which may take place.

They can also participate in the brand new RAVE Scheme (Rainbow Award 4 Volunteer Excellence) which is an activity rewards system to recognise and encourage volunteer dedication and skill development within the organisation.

We are looking for someone who is confident enough to approach newcomers and engage in a conversation with someone they have never met. Good listening skills would be beneficial, as a service user may need to be signposted to other organisations for specific support, but not actually ask for this directly. We are happy for our volunteers to help with Social Media, Administration and Graphic Design if they have experience in these areas.

Induction training sessions will be held every three months. New applicants are invited to attend the next available session following their interview.  It lasts around two hours. Once completed there will be a brief follow up health and safety induction to discuss fire drills etc and receive lanyard and ID. We offer a wide range of online training as well as internal and external training sessions. The volunteer coordinator issues a Support and Supervision Survey every 3 months but will be on hand to support a volunteer at any time should they require help and advice.


Get in touch to find out more

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.

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