Zero Tolerance

Gender & LGBT+

Zero Tolerance is a Scottish charity working to end men’s violence against women by tackling its root cause: gender inequality.

We began in 1992 with a ground breaking and radical Edinburgh-based poster campaign. The campaign successfully brought the issue of violence against women out from behind closed doors and into public consciousness by asserting that violence against women is never acceptable.

Our core belief is that men’s violence against women is preventable and should not be tolerated.

Our Values

  • Feminism: a feminist approach underpins all of our work, our relations with others and with each other. We always challenge men’s behaviour and shine the spotlight on over-arching systems of power and privilege that subordinate women and entitle men.
  • Leadership: we identify and challenge new and under-reported forms of violence against women, as well as those more widely accepted and tolerated.
  • Integrity: all of our policies and practice are based on a gendered analysis and an understanding of violence against women as a continuum. We have a genuine commitment to ending violence against women and we are honest and fair in our dealings with others.

Volunteer with
Zero Tolerance
Trustee and Treasurer Opportunities
Zero Tolerance
Published on:
July 12, 2024

Trustees look after Zero Tolerance's assets and make sure the charity fulfils its main aim, which is the prevention of violence against women in all its forms.

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