Our mission is to carry light to those living in the darkest situations of our society. We are dedicated to reaching out and bringing hope to the most vulnerable and facilitate a place of lasting recovery and restoration.
Searchlight Scotland was founded in 2018 with a drive and hope to see societies most vulnerable receive trauma informed care and support in order for them to live the life that they deserve.
Over the past few years we have seen many individuals come through our doors and start a journey to freedom from addiction, abuse, exploitation and many other life controlling issues. We are passionate about providing specialised care to those who have suffered trauma in their lives. Our Community Café offers a wonderful space for people and cultures to develop friendships and be encouraged and supported by the people around them.
We are committed to expanding and developing our services to see the long lasting recovery and restoration of many more individuals who have found themselves in very dark situations.
INTEGRITY: We believe in promoting respect, dignity and honour whilst building working relationships built on trust and honesty. This is practised at all times in order for our clients and staff to be treated appropriately and professionally.
HOPE: Hope is central to Searchlight and we believe it can be found in the darkest of situations. Our staff and volunteers are committed to being carriers of hope.
TRANSFORMATIONAL GROWTH: We are advocates for emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health. We believe that lives can be transformed when Love is central to the action of care.
IDENTITY: We strive to create an environment where service users feel like they belong, are considered, empowered and are building their self worth.
Searchlight Scotland organises a Coffee Morning every Friday from 10am-12pm at the Junction Café (5 Bon-Accord Terrace, Aberdeen AB11 6DP), in collaboration with The Junction Church. We have great opportunities for people to help volunteering at the Coffee Mornings and provide a smile to our customers.
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