Quarriers -Aberdeen Carers Support Service

Carer Support
Social Care

About Quarriers

We believe in helping people to live the lives they choose. We provide practical support to help people learn, grow and be all they can be.

Our vision is for people to have greater independence, be included in their communities, and have choice and control over their support. We believe in challenging stigma and inequality, and giving people the opportunity to thrive.

About Quarriers Aberdeen Carers Support Service

Aberdeen Carers Support Service offers information and advice based on individual circumstances, because we know each caring role is unique.

You might have been caring for a week, a year or ten years when you come through our door and ask to be recognised as a carer. This first conversation can be difficult and emotional, which is why our staff team consists of highly trained and knowledgeable people who can walk you through this experience with care and compassion.

We will chat with you about the person you care for, what you do in your caring role, what you may have given up, how you are feeling and any negative impact your caring role has had on your health and wellbeing. You may simply be looking for training or a copy of the carers’ newsletter and may not feel you need a lot of support. You can be registered at any point in your caring experience. If there are areas in your life that you are not managing, we will offer the training and support that you need. There is no threshold for entry into receiving support.

Volunteer with
Quarriers -Aberdeen Carers Support Service
Adult Carer Support
Quarriers -Aberdeen Carers Support Service
Published on:
August 30, 2024

Aberdeen Carers Support Service (Quarriers) are looking for Volunteers to help for an hour or two per week at our adult carer support groups. We have various groups running across Aberdeen city, where carers and the people they care for can meet up for friendship and support.

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Social care

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