Pet Fostering Service Scotland


We provide short term care for pets, when their owner is unable to do so through illness, homelessness or domestic abuse and cannot arrange any alternative care.

PFSS continues to support many pet owners and their pets, however, currently we are receiving more calls for help with pets than we can support, even with our large team of dedicated pet fosterers. This situation has been made worse by the current housing crisis, where often temporary housing does not allow pets.

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Pet Fosterer for PFSS, supporting these and many others through difficulties in their life, providing a bridge to a time when they can be reunited with their beloved pet, then please have a read of the details below about what being a volunteer for PFSS means and consider joining our team.

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Pet Fostering Service Scotland
Home Visitor Volunteers
Pet Fostering Service Scotland
Published on:
July 9, 2024

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