North East Eating Disorders Support (Scotland)

Health Support
Mental Health & Wellbeing

We are a small registered charity, facilitated by volunteers who have personal experience of eating disorders, either as a carer or past sufferer.

We are a self-help group who welcome all adults affected by an eating disorder as a sufferer, parent, partner, relative, or friend. We aim to provide a safe and welcoming forum for mutual support and sharing experiences, whilst looking towards recovery.

Although we currently meet in a hospital, we are a non professional organisation. All meetings are out of hours and confidentiality is maintained at all times.

We receive no regular funding and totally rely on the generosity of personal donations and voluntary fundraising activities.

Aberdeen meetings are held at The Macrobin Centre (Royal Cornhill Hospital). Feel free to book a place through our Administrator if you'd like to come along.

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North East Eating Disorders Support (Scotland)
North East Eating Disorders Support (Scotland)
Published on:
July 9, 2024

NEEDS - North East Eating Disorder Support (Scotland) is looking for volunteer facilitators, 1 evening per month, for our monthly support group meeting for those who are suffering from an eating disorder

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Heath & Wellbeing

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