Inspire PTL

Disability & ASN
Support & Advice

nspire provides a range of services in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Angus and Moray including residential care, supported accommodation, training for employment initiatives and respite.

We support people in a variety of settings, from enabling individuals and their families to plan for current and future support needs using person centred planning, to providing self directed support to help people achieve their chosen outcomes.

Inspire currently offer a range of services including:

  • Residential services
  • Day services
  • Support to people in their communities
  • Respite care
  • Social Support Groups
  • Training for employment initiatives

Volunteer with
Inspire PTL
Befriender Volunteer
Inspire PTL
Published on:
July 5, 2024

Inspire have opportunities for people to assist as Befrienders. Befriender Volunteers allow individuals supported by Inspire to have regular contact with a volunteer who shares their interests and with whom they can carry out activities, such as going for coffee, going to the cinema or even going with them to the football.

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