Food Train Connects Aberdeen

Food Support

Food Train is a charity helping older people across Scotland.  We offer our members practical help to eat well, age well and live well at home for longer.

We’d like to see access to food and meals for older people right across Scotland that is readily available, culturally appropriate, nutritious, fresh and designed to improve health and wellbeing of our older population.

Teams of dedicated Food Train volunteers working across Scotland provide vital services helping older people affected by ill health, frailty and disability.   We offer a weekly shopping service, regular meal share service, various befriending options and, in a few areas of the country, help with household tasks and access to library books.

Volunteer with
Food Train Connects Aberdeen
Volunteer Cook - Meal Makers
Food Train Connects Aberdeen
Published on:
July 1, 2024

Help to combat feelings of loneliness, isolation and malnutrition amongst older people (55+) by becoming a Volunteer Cook. You do not need to be a Jamie or Nigella to get involved, just the ability to prepare an extra portion of your meal once a week, to drop off with an older neighbour and have a light hearted blether with them.

Find out more
Food Support

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