Action Tutoring

Education & Training
Children & Young people

Action Tutoring is a charity that supports disadvantaged young people to achieve academically, with a view to enabling them to progress in education, employment or training. We do this by partnering high-quality volunteer tutors with pupils to increase their subject knowledge, confidence and study skills.

Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds aren’t less able, but they have less access to the tools that support them to progress in school and reach their full academic potential. This is called the attainment gap.

While there are many factors that contribute to these statistics, we exist in order to work towards a solution.

Action Tutoring unlocks the potential of children and young people who are facing disadvantage. We are tackling the attainment gap head-on by forging partnerships with schools nationwide. Our trained volunteer tutors are empowered to enable pupils to make meaningful academic progress, opening doors to future opportunities.

Volunteering as a tutor with Action Tutoring is a rewarding way to make a difference to the lives of disadvantaged young people living in your community.

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Action Tutoring
Volunteer Tutors
Action Tutoring
Published on:
May 22, 2024

Volunteering with Action Tutoring is an easy and rewarding way to make a difference to the lives of young people. By volunteering and tutoring for just one hour a week, you will be able to directly support disadvantaged young people to build their confidence and help ensure they leave school with the grades needed to build a bright future

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Education & Employability

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