Asylum and Refugee Care (AARC)

Asylum and Refugee Support

Asylum and Refugee Care is a charity which offers support to asylum seekers and refugees in the North East of Scotland. We support survivors of human trafficking and exploitation, partnering with other organisations to offer specialist person-centred trauma support. AARC ensures that all New Scots feel welcome and have their basic needs met in order to help them integrate into their new communities. They offer trauma informed, person-centred support. Examples of this are: supporting at medical appointments, helping to convert qualifications in preparation for getting permission to work, and supporting to access ESOL. AARC is led and informed by the experiences and voices of those we support, in order to ensure value for all.

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Asylum and Refugee Care (AARC)
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Asylum and Refugee Care (AARC)
Published on:
June 4, 2024

Asylum and Refugee Care (AARC) predominantly supports people seeking asylum who are living in the North-East who have No Recourse to Public Funds. We ensure that for this group basic needs are met when people first arrive; this includes clothing, digital needs and welcome packs which give individuals some basic essentials to help with their integration.

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Refugees & Asylum Seekers

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