Volunteer Directors

Castlehill Housing Trust

The Trust is governed by a Board of up to 11 Directors, who meet at least four times a year. A maximum of 6 Board members may be representatives of Castlehill Housing Association, the Trust's parent Company. The Trust aims to ensure that the structure and make up of its Board delivers a balanced approach with a range of experience and knowledge recognising that overall strategic control sits with Castlehill, but that the Trust must operate and deliver its services in its own distinctive way, meeting the needs of its clients.

Volunteer Directors

Castlehill Housing Trust

The Trust is governed by a Board of up to 11 Directors, who meet at least four times a year. A maximum of 6 Board members may be representatives of Castlehill Housing Association, the Trust's parent Company. The Trust aims to ensure that the structure and make up of its Board delivers a balanced approach with a range of experience and knowledge recognising that overall strategic control sits with Castlehill, but that the Trust must operate and deliver its services in its own distinctive way, meeting the needs of its clients.

Housing & Homelessness
Suitable for volunteers:
age 18 and over

About this opportunity

Castlehill Housing Trust (the Trust) is a private charitable landlord providing accommodation across the Northeast of Scotland to people with various needs including learning disabilities and mental health issues. The Trust houses over 150 people in properties that range from group homes (including Houses in Multiple Occupation) homes for families and individual tenancies.

The Trust rents its properties via Private Residential Tenancies and leases directly to Care Providers. We are a subsidiary company of Castlehill Housing Association who provide services to CHT such as financial services and housing management.

The Trust is governed by a Board of up to 11 Directors, who meet at least four times a year. A maximum of 6 Board members may be representatives of Castlehill Housing Association, the Trust's parent Company. The Trust aims to ensure that the structure and make up of its Board delivers a balanced approach with a range of experience and knowledge recognising that overall strategic control sits with Castlehill, but that the Trust must operate and deliver its services in its own distinctive way, meeting the needs of its clients.

Duties of a Trust Director

  • ensure that CHT complies with its governing document (its Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • ensure that CHT pursues its objectives by considering our vision statement and strategy for the future.
  • ensure CHT applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives, i.e., it must not spend money on activities which are not included in our aims, however worthwhile they may be.
  • contribute actively to the board of Directors' role in giving firm strategic direction to CHT, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • safeguard the good name and values of CHT.
  • ensure the financial stability of CHT.

In addition to the above duties, each Director should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the board of Directors reach sound decisions. This may involve leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, evaluation, or other issues in which the Directors has special expertise. We are also looking from the pool of independent Directors for a Chairperson.


Get in touch to find out more

Volunteers (aged 16-25) taking part in this opportunity are eligible to claim Saltire Awards hours for their activity.

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