About this opportunity
We are currently seeking passionate individuals to join our Board of Trustees. In particular, we are looking for new Directors with skills and experience in one or more of the following areas: Education, Social Work, Marketing / Fundraising and Communications and IT.
The new roles will join a small dedicated team of Trustees already in place and will help to strengthen the Board and lead the organisation into the future. This is a great opportunity for someone who has an understanding of charity or similar corporate governance. The role will be to support the leadership of the charity and drive forward the organisational strategy. The full Board meets quarterly for 2-3 hours on a Monday evening. Smaller committees may meet staff more regularly in relation to specific areas of work. The role is a voluntary one, reasonable expenses will be reimbursed with training provided at no cost.
If you are interested in this opportunity please contact Sarah Misra, CEO, Befriend a Child, for more information and an application pack.